Digital Design and Making
The course project of Digital Design and Making
I'm a Master's student in Computer Science at EPFL, Switzerland, with a passion for Computer Vision, Digital Fabrication, and AR/MR/VR.
I thrive on exploring uncharted territories and approaching problems from unique perspectives, generating innovative ideas and making them come true.
The course project of Digital Design and Making
Turning architectural sketches into 3D models with deep learning.
The course project of Geometric Computing, including "Make it stand", elastic material fabriction, and minimal surface construction
A tool for creating lamp that cast custom shadows
3D Scene Reconstruction from 2D Sketch using Visual Transformer and Grasshopper
Play golf in outer space!
Project of Machine Learning, segmenting Roads from Aerial Images
A interactive device that encourage people to question the value of religion
A Chrome Extension for customizing your PTT!
Project of Architecture Design I. A refuge formed by foldable components, which is designed for rapid recovery from a natural disaster.
State-of-the-art YUV420 subsampling method.
Project of VFX, constructing an HDR image without using a library
(Page under construction) A CNN-based method for chroma upsampling of light field images
A bot that plays Blackjack online based on a dedicated algorithm
Project of IoT Data Analysis, predicting the average speed of a highway in 30 mins
Project of Intro to HCI. An equipment made for enhancing immersion of FPS games.
A more interactive pedestrian crossing.
A map-based campus forum.
My photography works.